
ChillizNexus: Transforming

Fan Engagement

Interoperable platform for global fan engagement and uniting sports fans from around the world.

How it Works

Engage in Events

Participate in Exciting Fan Activities

Participate in live events hosted by your favorite teams, join purely onchain virtual or community events organized by fans, and connect with other passionate supporters.

Attend exclusive live sessions

Participate in community & virtual events

Earn and Use Tokens

NexusToken & Rewards

Bridge Fan Tokens to receive Nexus Tokens CAP223 , or earn Nexus Tokens by participating in events, staking through the FAN Vault, or submitting proposals as rewards.

Earn tokens through participation

Get Interactive Rewards

Showcase Your Participation

Secure Your Memories (SBTs)

Receive non-transferable Soulbound Tokens ERC1155 as proof of your participation in events, and share your ticket on socials.

Collect SBTs for each event

Share your event memories online

Transparent Tracking

Secure Event Participation via Attestation

Implement an on-chain sign protocol for attestations, enabling secure, transparent, and decentralized tracking of events, while also facilitating the creation of an event marketplace.

Verify event with on-chain attestations

Ensure transparency and security for every event


Event Creation & Management

ChilizNexus enables fans to participate in live, virtual, and community events, enhancing fan engagement with their favorite teams.

Tokenized Rewards

Bridge Fan Tokens to receive Nexus Tokens, or earn them by participating in events, staking in the FAN Vault, or submitting proposals.

Secure Ticketing

Non-transferable Soulbound Tokens (SBTs) serve as event tickets, preserving each fan's unique experience as a permanent on-chain memory.

On-Chain Attestations

All events are recorded as on-chain attestations via the Sign protocol, with fan interactions enabled by Chiliz, ensuring transparency and verifiable participation.

TokenDrops & Incentives

Fans holding event tickets are eligible for TokenDrops on both Chiliz and Base, receiving additional rewards for their active engagement in the ChilizNexus ecosystem.

Subscriptions & Notifications

Stay informed with real-time updates on club activities, events, and exclusive content, enhancing fan interaction through a robust subscription system.


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